Saturday, May 29, 2010

Finally some Progress...

Friday May, 28, 2010
Today Tyse was a real fighter. He was the one that kept pulling the oxygen out of his nose. I loved it. Every time I would attempt to place it back in his nose, he would pull it out. So, I decided to just keep it out. Amazingly, he kept it out most of the day. We are so close I can feel it! Last night the nurse said she may have to put it back in, but he is definitely fighting. Thanks for all your comments and support.


  1. What a blessed little boy to be a part of such a wonderful, strong family. We are all so grateful to hear that things are going well! We love you!!

  2. miss stacie, just wanted you to know i have finally caught up. jason saw a bunch of cars at your house the weekend you were suppose to come home - so we assumed you were back and doing great. i talked to kim yesterday and she told me to read your blog. so i just got all of your updates - what a WILD RIDE my friend!!! Are you nauxious? Have whip lash? Tired of hanging upside down? my heart goes out to you! I did put your name on the prayer roll last week when I was at the temple (not knowing you were still in vegas) - I know it opens heaven's doors and I hope you have felt the support you've needed at this time. Can't wait to see you home again and thriving with new addition!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!
