Monday, May 24, 2010

No Answers

Sunday May 23rd, 2010
It was a kind of a hard day today. Dan had to fly home to get back to work. Luckily though, Dan has a cousin that I am staying with so I don't have to be alone. I was glad that one of us could go be with the other 3 kids. They were really excited to see him and didn't want him to go to work Monday morning, but Grandma is taking care of them for part of this week.

I think the whole staff at the hospital is frustrated-including me. They don't understand why Tyse's O2 sats keep dropping. He is eating well and is 5lb 15 oz already. He doesn't act sick and they have run tons of tests and they all come out good. I am grateful for that at least. So now we all just continue to wait for Tyse to start improving. We will see how he does. Thanks for all your prayers. I feel such comfort from them. You'll probably never know how much it means to me. Thank You!


  1. It's frustrating feeling so helpless when we don't know how to make our kids better. Our boys were in the NICU for 3 weeks and it was very hard. We're praying that you can bring little Tyse home soon. Hang in there!

  2. I'm a little flustered reading it! He's going to get better! I am so glad he is eating well, gaining, and his platlets are continually going up! You are doing an amazing job:) Ever since we heard little Tyse is coming to the family, we had that imediate confirmation that this is where he belongs and love him already. You guys are doing great! Tyse has already been a sweet little blessing in everyones life:) Give him some nuckles for me!!!

  3. I can't imagine your frustration. He is so lucky to have come to your family. We are keeping you all in our prayers...hang in there! He must be such a good eater! He is gaining weight like crazy!

  4. Waiting has to be so hard for you. We are praying that he continues to improve so you guys can come home. He is so lucky to be part of your family. We love you guys!

  5. Hang in there Stacie, this too shall pass!!! He is so lucky to have you and Dan. We are praying for all of you!!!
