Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Finish Line

Monday May 31st-Memorial Day
Finally!!! I get to bring him home. He is doing really good. He has been off oxygen for 2 days. It is such a great feeling to cut off all wristbands, take off all the monitors, and finally dress him up in something besides the hospital stripes. We are coming home...YAY!!!

Look!!! no monitors!
Sunday May 30th
Tyse is still doing good without oxygen. The doctors require him to be off for 48 hours just to make sure he will be good. They also took him off his feeding restrictions, so we will see what he does with a really full stomach. I am really enjoying my one on one time with him.

Saturday May 29th
Time to put Tyse to the test and see if he will keep his sats up. We finally took his oxygen off his it is just waiting time to see if he can do it....Go Tyse Go!!!


  1. SO EXCITING STACIE!!!! WE ARE SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!! We can't wait to meet this cute little guy. :)

  2. He is ABSOLUTELY darling Stacie :) I am so happy for you. Congratulations!



  3. I am giving you a few more days then I am coming over;) so happy you are home. It has been fun to follow what's been going on! Congrats again!

  4. I'm with becca, can't wait to see you and Tyse!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING IT THROUGH!!!

  5. I love the pictures, he is so adorable. How is Tyse doing health wise?? Are you up for visitors? So glad you are home.

  6. He is adorable! So glad you guys are finally home!
