Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Kick-off

Hogle Zoo
To kick-off the summer the first week of June me and Dan's mom took my kids and 3 of their cousins to the zoo. It was nice and cool and so much fun. The bird show was all of our favorites. The kids loved having the big birds swoop down by their heads and laughed when the birds would say funny things or do tricks. The kids loved the train and the carousel too. Tyse especially loved going up and down on the carousel and giggled the whole time. The baby elephant Suri put on a show by playing in the mud and there were also dinosaurs all over the zoo. Tyse was wide-eyed checking out all the animals. It was his first time there. It was a great way to start the summer. We loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Love the train picture...i think we have a similar one with you and davin and kate when the were little. So fun. they are getting big!
