Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tyse's 1st time swimming

Tyse loved splashing in the water. At first he didn't know what to think, but then watch out-You will get wet!

I think I should submit this pic to a fashion swimwear modeling contest. What a natural-pose and all.

and then there is Dax...he should be part fish really. No fear with this child.


  1. I think you should submit that pic of Tyse! He is growing up so fast. We love winter swimming time. Not crowded, makes you feel like it's not a fog pit outside! lol. We miss quail so much..think of you guys all the time. Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Hey I just blog hopped from Jills Blog....your kids are so cute. And I agree swimming in the winter rules!

  3. hes so gorgeous! i love you guys for the life he has. thank you so much. merry christmas.
    scottijo and joshua
