We did tons of fun things in October...here are some of the highlights!
Dressed up for our fun ward Halloween party..there were carnival games, a cup cake walk, and even a spooky Haunted House.
Painted pumpkins. It's a tradition.
Daxton had a cute preschool program and sang lots of fun songs and even had a cute speaking part where he told a spooky joke.
I helped out at Davin and Kate's school Halloween parties. The kids had to dig eyeballs out of brains (spaghetti noodles). All the kids loved getting their hands dirty.
We had a huge family Halloween party at our house this year. We transformed our house into a spooky Haunted house and of course had to serve food that was spooky too.
With all the kids we did vampire suckers. They turned out really cute.
Can't have a party without pumpkin carving
Did I mention it was a costume party. These were just some of the great costumes that night.
My living room transformed!
We played the eyeball game, but instead of our hands we used our feet. Gooey, and messy but so much fun to watch.
Another game was the Morgue Assistant game. Lets just say there were dead body parts flying everywhere. The good thing though is everyone that played are now certified morgue assistants.
Couldn't leave without a yummy carmel apple and don't forget all the yummy toppings to go with it.
Black Forest Pumpkin Patch. We took the kids here for one of my Dad's work parties. We all loved going down all the fun slides.

Trick or Treat!
I stayed home and tried to scare people with my fog machine and spider infested porch.
I stayed home and tried to scare people with my fog machine and spider infested porch.

Dan took the kids out for some Halloween fun!

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