It is always such a long awaited and exciting day when we can take our kids to court and finalize their adoptions. Tyse finalization went rather smooth other than we sat at a table in front of the judge with all 4 kids. You can only imagine what went on so I could stop there and the story could already be funny, but what is the fun in that. The table of course had a microphone so everyone sitting in the room could hear everything going on. Kate and Dax wanted to play so first were trying to drink the nice pitcher of water that was sitting in front of us. I knew what would happen if we let that even start so the nice police officer sitting across the room brought the kids some post it notes...OH BOY!!! They were everywhere and while our attourney was trying to ask me questions Kate and Daxton were attempting to stick them to my face and Tyse's face. Lets just say when it was all over we had to stay and clean up the court Luckily, the judge just laughed because he has been there. We got through it though...wheew and everything went well and it is Final-YAY!

Our families are so great. They have always come and supported us with everything. We love them very much. We are so lucky to have such great people in our lives!

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