We took the kids to go see the Jazz play their last preseason game. We went with Dan's brother Nate and his 3 cute girls, Dan's parents, our nephew Kaden, and our brother-in-law Chris. It was so nice because the company Nate works for owns a booth and it was available for us to use. We had our own kitchen, bathroom, and great seats to be able to watch the game from. The kids loved it because they all played together and sometimes watched the game.

We all got decked out in our Jazz gear. Even Tyse, the youngest and cutest of all the Jazz fans was sportin' the look... GO JAZZ!!!

Dax loved watching the Jazz Bear and all the funny tricks he was pulling on people in the crowd. Dax even tried his own trick when he threw our nephews hat, which hit a cup of ice, over the balcony and got some people below....Oops!

I am so excited basketball season is finally starting! I love the Utah Jazz, too. Your little family looks so adorable in all their snazzy Jazz gear!