Every Labor Day Weekend we head up to Colter Bay, near Jackson Wyoming. It has been a tradition with Dan's family for about 8 years. We all love it.
Tyse's first camping trip!
This was our first year in a tent trailer. It kept us nice and warm. All the cousins loved it too, especially when it got cold outside and we had our tent heater on...yes, we don't totally rough it, but it is definitely a necessity on the cold nights.
Tyse and his cousin Kendra. Our kids love her and she is a great babysitter.
We had to do some fun crafts while we were there. We paint rocks every year. It makes our campsite very festive.
We love biking over to Jackson Lake and getting one of the best views of the Tetons.
We dared Kaleb, our nephew, to make a stack of rocks 20 high. He built it taller than him and he is over 6 foot tall.
One of our favorite hikes with the kids is Leigh Lake. We love taking the kayak with us because it is so gorgeous and serene.
Hi, thanks for visiting our family blog. We hope you will stick around and check out what we have been up to. We are so blessed to have adopted 4 amazing kids. We arehoping to adoptagain soon. If you wish to contact us please email us at danandstacie@gmail.com
Best Friends
We have been married for 14 years.
Dan's favorites...
SNOW SKIING, Swimming, Running, WAKEBOARDING, Coldplay, STEAK, 4-wheeling, Camping, ICE CREAM, Volleyball, Basketball, River Rafting, DR PEPPER, Fly Fishing, Making people laugh, Black-eyed peas, Traveling, Peanut M&M's, Hiking, Football, Snickers
Stacie's Favorites...
WAKEBOARDING, chinese food, SOCCER, 4-wheeling, MAROON 5 , vacation, rollerblading, camping, hiking, DECORATING & HOME PROJECTS, taking the kids on field trips, SNOW SKIING, fly fishing, FROZEN YOGURT, repelling, running, biking, Coldplay
I am 10 years old. I love… playing the piano, hangin' with my friends, chocolate milk, riding my bike, LEGOS, reading books, green, PIZZA ROLLS, soccer, going on field trips, SNOW SKIING, being the big brother, THE WII, and ice cream.
I am 8 1/2 years old. I love…talking, EATING, hanging out with my brothers and my friends, SNOW SKIING, soccer, dancing, nail polish, LISTENING TO MUSIC, pink, singing, GYMNASTICS, and making everyone laugh.
I am 6 years old, but I won't admit it because I want to be 10. I love… SNOW SKIING-FORWARD AND BACKWARD, longboarding, SPEEDIN' ON MY BATTERY POWERED 4-WHEELER, exploring and climbing, being an awesome BIG BROTHER to Tyse, parks, being OUTSIDE, jumping on the trampoline, break dancing, playing all sports, and PARKOUR.
I am 3 1/2 years old. I love playing with my TRAINS, CARS, AND TRUCKS, laughing, cruising on my scooter, SWINGS AND SLIDES, playing ball, mac n' cheese, don't forget SNOW SKIING, and I give GREAT HUGS!
Fun times!!!