Saturday, July 23, 2011

4th of July

We love traditions! Every year we go to the parade and then to my mom's house for the best food ever. I had to take pictures of the food she made because it was so beautiful. We had a lot of fun at the parade this year. Dan had this brilliant idea of taking the kids basketball hoop and putting a bag around it. I was standing right next to it and I literally was getting rained on by candy, toys, necklaces, stuffed animals, balls....the list goes on. The kids were smart and stood around it and picked up everything that missed the basket. It was hilarious.

Tyse loved all the action!

I know my mom and dad did too because all the babies were entertaining them -especially my dad who kept Tyse busy by squirting water from the bottle into his mouth. I don't know who was laughing dad or Tyse.

My cute niece Sophie, my brother Steve's little girl.

My other cute little niece Hazel, my sister Melissa's new baby.

Kate was in the parade with the high school cheerleaders. She was on the float with her cousin. She loved all the attention and it was fun to see her.

So brilliant!!!

Jealous yet?

It's also tradition to swim in Grandma and Grandpa's hot much fun. I don't know if they left any water inside it though.

Lovin' the cousins!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Davin, Katelyn, and Daxton learned so much in their swimming lessons this summer. Dax took one week and Dav and Kate took 2 weeks. On the last day they get to show off everything they have learned and have free time on the slide. They loved it!

Dax and Gavin got to take together. You would never guess they are only 2 days apart!

Tyse had fun too. While the kids were swimming he got to play on the swings.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer camps

I signed Davin and Katelyn up for different camps this summer. They both just finished up a soccer camp this week. Davin did a basketball camp in June and is doing a baseball camp in August. Kate did a cheer camp in June. She loved it and had so much fun learning a dance and cheer. We all got to go watch her on the last day. She was front and center and smiled her cute toothless smile. She kicked her leg up farther than anyone else-good job Kate!

Ward Pool Party

June 22nd
This has been a fun tradition the last few years that I hope they will keep doing. Dan rented out a local pool for everyone to use from 7 to 10 pm. It started out with a BBQ and then after was swimming. We stayed the whole time because we were having so much fun. Davin and Daxton kept going off the diving boards. The lifeguards could not keep Daxton out of the deep end. He had a life jacket on which I guess is not allowed, but he kept going off the diving boards anyways. One of the times he climbed up to the high dive and probably would have jumped but a lifeguard came running and made him get down. He is such a daredevil and such an entertainer. We had a really good time (especially watching Daxton).

Fun times at the lake

June 2011
Our awesome neighbors have invited us a few times to come try out their new boat with them. We always have a good time and the kids love it too.

I wanna be just like Dad...

Father's Day 2011
The kids had a lot of fun dressing up in Dad's work shirts for some fun pics. For Father's Day we made a big collage of all the pictures for dad's office. Of course he loved it and we all had fun making it. They have such a fun dad. He always knows how to make us smile and we always have fun when he is around.