What began as small leaps into a pool and down a small yellow slide...
...Ended up with us all flying down a big twisting water slide.
Dax is our 2 year old dare devil. He went down the long slide by himself and then came out head first. We were worried that he would cry or it would scare him, but no, he wanted to go right back down it again.
My side of the family went on vacation together for a few days in June. One of the days we hung out at the beach and played. The kids hunted for treasures that were hidden in the sand. They had tons of fun!
We did a lot of hangin out at the cabin which was great. We played lots of games, went 4-wheeling, played at the park, and ate tons-yummy!
We had to give Tyse a bath in the cabin kitchen sink. I just love when he is all smothered in baby lotion and we get to snuggle with him.
Hi, thanks for visiting our family blog. We hope you will stick around and check out what we have been up to. We are so blessed to have adopted 4 amazing kids. We arehoping to adoptagain soon. If you wish to contact us please email us at danandstacie@gmail.com
Best Friends
We have been married for 14 years.
Dan's favorites...
SNOW SKIING, Swimming, Running, WAKEBOARDING, Coldplay, STEAK, 4-wheeling, Camping, ICE CREAM, Volleyball, Basketball, River Rafting, DR PEPPER, Fly Fishing, Making people laugh, Black-eyed peas, Traveling, Peanut M&M's, Hiking, Football, Snickers
Stacie's Favorites...
WAKEBOARDING, chinese food, SOCCER, 4-wheeling, MAROON 5 , vacation, rollerblading, camping, hiking, DECORATING & HOME PROJECTS, taking the kids on field trips, SNOW SKIING, fly fishing, FROZEN YOGURT, repelling, running, biking, Coldplay
I am 10 years old. I love… playing the piano, hangin' with my friends, chocolate milk, riding my bike, LEGOS, reading books, green, PIZZA ROLLS, soccer, going on field trips, SNOW SKIING, being the big brother, THE WII, and ice cream.
I am 8 1/2 years old. I love…talking, EATING, hanging out with my brothers and my friends, SNOW SKIING, soccer, dancing, nail polish, LISTENING TO MUSIC, pink, singing, GYMNASTICS, and making everyone laugh.
I am 6 years old, but I won't admit it because I want to be 10. I love… SNOW SKIING-FORWARD AND BACKWARD, longboarding, SPEEDIN' ON MY BATTERY POWERED 4-WHEELER, exploring and climbing, being an awesome BIG BROTHER to Tyse, parks, being OUTSIDE, jumping on the trampoline, break dancing, playing all sports, and PARKOUR.
I am 3 1/2 years old. I love playing with my TRAINS, CARS, AND TRUCKS, laughing, cruising on my scooter, SWINGS AND SLIDES, playing ball, mac n' cheese, don't forget SNOW SKIING, and I give GREAT HUGS!