Today Tyse was a real fighter. He was the one that kept pulling the oxygen out of his nose. I loved it. Every time I would attempt to place it back in his nose, he would pull it out. So, I decided to just keep it out. Amazingly, he kept it out most of the day. We are so close I can feel it! Last night the nurse said she may have to put it back in, but he is definitely fighting. Thanks for all your comments and support.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Seems so close, yet so far away
Thursday May, 27 2010
Today was oxygen day. I told the nurse I really wanted to test Tyse and get this thing rollin'. He is on the borderline and so close. It was really frustrating to see him so close and yet have the monitors ringing the whole time. I had to leave early which I was grateful for because I can't stand sitting there and watching the O2 go down because it makes it that far away from getting this little guy home. We are so very close though. I took a break and went to my cousin's son's baseball game. It was nice to get some fresh air and get my mind off everything. I called the hospital later and the nurse was awesome. She is going to work hard through the night to ween him down. I am so grateful for all the medical staff and this great hospital. I couldn't have asked for a better place for our little Tyse to go.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The light at the end of the tunnel...
Wednesday May, 26, 2010
Tyse did really well today. I talked to the doctor and the plan is to keep weaning him off the oxygen and then they will have to wait and monitor him for about 48 hours to make sure he will be ok for the trip home. I am just praying he will continue to improve. So far so good. Thanks for all your support and prayers.
Tyse says hi!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Little by Little
Tuesday May 25, 2010
Tests thay have been doing for Tyse are all coming back good. His chest x-ray looked good and his blood work-his platelets are up to 145-Yay! They don't have to check those anymore because his numbers are improving so well. They have been just turning the oxygen down little by little so we will see what another day will bring.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Just Another Day
Monday May 24, 2010
I stayed at the hospital all day with Tyse. He is doing a little better. The doctors are maybe thinking he has reflux so they changed the formula he is on to a thicker/smoother kind. They are also restricting how much he eats because the dr. says and I quote "he eats like a pig" He is gaining weight fast. He weighs 6 lbs. today. They also flipped him on his stomach and elevated the head of the bead thinking maybe when he is on his back his little chin pushes his tongue back and blocks the airway. He is still on oxygen, but the monitors didn't go off as much. The plan is to see how he does like this for a couple days. They are going to do a chest x-ray and blood work in the morning and maybe do a test where they put die in the formula he drinks and x-ray it to see where it is all going. I will update you all on the results of these when they come back. Love you all!
Monday, May 24, 2010
No Answers
Sunday May 23rd, 2010
It was a kind of a hard day today. Dan had to fly home to get back to work. Luckily though, Dan has a cousin that I am staying with so I don't have to be alone. I was glad that one of us could go be with the other 3 kids. They were really excited to see him and didn't want him to go to work Monday morning, but Grandma is taking care of them for part of this week.
I think the whole staff at the hospital is frustrated-including me. They don't understand why Tyse's O2 sats keep dropping. He is eating well and is 5lb 15 oz already. He doesn't act sick and they have run tons of tests and they all come out good. I am grateful for that at least. So now we all just continue to wait for Tyse to start improving. We will see how he does. Thanks for all your prayers. I feel such comfort from them. You'll probably never know how much it means to me. Thank You!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Waiting Game
So now it is a waiting game. They did another echocardiogram of his heart and the hypertension has resolved, which is great news. Now we wait til Tyse is ready to be off oxygen. He is eating great and is gaining weight. Today he weighs 5 lb 12 1/2 oz. He is still requiring oxygen to help keep his sats up. They go up and down all day long. He also has another blood test in the morning to test his platelets. We are crossing our fingers that it goes up and not down. We love spending our days by his side, but are ready to bring him home. Dan leaves for home tomorrow and I will stay until he is ready. Luckily, Dan has a cousin here that I will be staying with. Love you all!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010
Things are looking up
Tyse is still on oxygen, but they did an echocardiogram and it showed that he has some pulmonary hypertension which is basically high blood pressure in the lungs. It is caused from being stressed during birth and since he was born breech in the hallway he probably was very stressed. It is something that the dr. says should resolve in a few days. They are still sending in blood tests for infection, but they think that is unlikely. His platelet count did go up from yesterday. We did get permission from the state of Nevada and Utah that we could leave so that is good news. We are just waiting on our litte T to recover and then we will be on our way home. We love you all!

Thursday, May 20, 2010
A set back
Life is such a rollercoaster ride-the ups and downs of it all. Tyse has been doing pretty good, but then this morning we had a slight set back to our plans. We were really hoping we would be able to come home Saturday but his platelet count dropped. He is also now on oxygen because his o2 sats keep dropping-poor little guy. They think he has an infection and are running tests to see if they can determine why this is happening. We hope you will keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks for all the support we have received.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tyson Joshua, TJ, little T, Ty, Tyse, or T man
Monday 17, 2010
The doctors told us that he is doing so well that they don't need to run any more tests and that after this last antibiotic he will hopefully be ready to come home on Friday with us. We are soooo excited.
Tuesday 18, 2010
We stayed with Ty most the day and he is doing really well. Tests coming back are looking better. The plan is to still be discharged on Friday.
Wednesday 19, 2010
Today he is eating lots better. He weighs 5 lb 10 oz so he has gained his weight back plus some. We love spending our days holding, feeding him, and yes even changing him. Dan even changed him once. He wanted a gold star for his performance, but I just gave him a pat on his back and said that would have to due. :)

The doctors told us that he is doing so well that they don't need to run any more tests and that after this last antibiotic he will hopefully be ready to come home on Friday with us. We are soooo excited.
Tuesday 18, 2010
We stayed with Ty most the day and he is doing really well. Tests coming back are looking better. The plan is to still be discharged on Friday.
Wednesday 19, 2010
Today he is eating lots better. He weighs 5 lb 10 oz so he has gained his weight back plus some. We love spending our days holding, feeding him, and yes even changing him. Dan even changed him once. He wanted a gold star for his performance, but I just gave him a pat on his back and said that would have to due. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Little "T"
Sunday, May 16th
We hung out with little T-we like to call him-in the nursery all morning and afternoon. Isn't he cute!!! All papers on both sides were signed and we were hoping to take him home to the hotel, but found out that night he was having some problems. They transferred him to the NICU so the nurses could keep a close watch on him. We had Dan and a family friend that lives here in Vegas give him a blessing. It was such an amazing powerful experience. Ever since that, things have been going really well. He is doing great and gaining weight.

We hung out with little T-we like to call him-in the nursery all morning and afternoon. Isn't he cute!!! All papers on both sides were signed and we were hoping to take him home to the hotel, but found out that night he was having some problems. They transferred him to the NICU so the nurses could keep a close watch on him. We had Dan and a family friend that lives here in Vegas give him a blessing. It was such an amazing powerful experience. Ever since that, things have been going really well. He is doing great and gaining weight.

Our Surprising New Adventure!!!
May 14th, 2010
Where do I even begin...WOW!!! It was just another great weekend. I was off on a girls trip playing in St George and Dan was chillin at home with the kids. I received a phone call on Friday afternoon from our social worker saying that there was a baby boy born in Las Vegas the day before and she was wondering if we would be interested in adopting him. I had sheer excitement and anxiety run through my body at that exact moment. I hurried and called Dan, who I couldn't get a hold of, but luckily my parents were staying in St. George at the time so I called them to tell them the news. Finally, I was able to get a hold of Dan an hour later. We both knew that he was supposed to come to our family, so let the planning begin...
May 15th, 2010
It was amazing how everything fell into place after that. Dan made plans to fly to Las Vegas, rent a car, and book a hotel. I scrambled to figure out a way to meet him at the airport (because I didn't have a car). I tell you it was nice having 7 other girls helping me figure out a way to get there-Thanks Ladies you're the best! I ended up taking a shuttle from St. George to the airport where I met Dan within 15 minutes of his arrival. We made plans with our social worker to meet the birthmom that day at 4pm. We met for dinner with the birth mom, her cute 6 yr old son, and our social worker. We had a lot of fun and were so glad we were able to meet them and get to know them better.
After meeting the birthmom and her son we got to go to the hospital the baby was staying at. We were so excited to meet him and see him for the first time. We got to feed him and hang out with him for a couple hours. The hospital was amazing he was staying at.

Where do I even begin...WOW!!! It was just another great weekend. I was off on a girls trip playing in St George and Dan was chillin at home with the kids. I received a phone call on Friday afternoon from our social worker saying that there was a baby boy born in Las Vegas the day before and she was wondering if we would be interested in adopting him. I had sheer excitement and anxiety run through my body at that exact moment. I hurried and called Dan, who I couldn't get a hold of, but luckily my parents were staying in St. George at the time so I called them to tell them the news. Finally, I was able to get a hold of Dan an hour later. We both knew that he was supposed to come to our family, so let the planning begin...
May 15th, 2010
It was amazing how everything fell into place after that. Dan made plans to fly to Las Vegas, rent a car, and book a hotel. I scrambled to figure out a way to meet him at the airport (because I didn't have a car). I tell you it was nice having 7 other girls helping me figure out a way to get there-Thanks Ladies you're the best! I ended up taking a shuttle from St. George to the airport where I met Dan within 15 minutes of his arrival. We made plans with our social worker to meet the birthmom that day at 4pm. We met for dinner with the birth mom, her cute 6 yr old son, and our social worker. We had a lot of fun and were so glad we were able to meet them and get to know them better.

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